2016 Annual General Meeting
Twenty-eight people attended the The Vic, Subiaco, on Friday night, for what was a very special and memorable Annual General Meeting of 2016.
Club President Trent Chellingworth welcomed members and their guests, before commencing proceedings with his report on the year’s operations and notable achievements.
Events Co-ordinator Natasha Hunt soon took the mic, providing a run-down on the year’s events and announcing Mean Machines Australia as the club’s all-new venue for future meetings.
It was then time for Membership Secretary and outgoing Vice President George Kopsen to address the group, delivering the Treasurer’s report. Some figures regarding the club’s burgeoning membership were also given, with attendees learning that MBCCWA’s membership numbers and renewals have never been stronger!
Natasha returned to the podium to then announce the winner of the Club Member of the Year award, which was convincingly won for the second year in a row by George Kopsen. His efforts throughout the year were on display for all members to see and he’s a thoroughly deserving winner.
Upon the committee being dissolved, the following positions were elected by members in attendance:
Club President: Trent Chellingworth
Vice President: Peter Tuck
Secretary: Danny Della Posta
Treasurer: Matthew Hicks
Editor: Jim Green
Over the course of the evening, several changes to the club’s constitution and fee structure were also proposed and passed by majority vote.
The night also marked the end of an era for two-time former Club President Paul Blank, who has served on the committee for a total of 14 years, and decided to take a well-earned rest. Many thanks to Paul for his many years of dedicated service!
Lastly, thank you to the members who attended and contributed in shaping MBCCWA’s future. If you missed the AGM, keep an eye out for a full report in the September-October edition of Megastar.
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